Each week, award-winning author Clayton Smith tells a real ghost story from real history to his real friend, Patrick Dean, who doesn't take it real seriously.
Gosh, how does one describe a whale hotel? It is a whale...that is a hotel. Actually, I guess that was pretty easy!
Good luck, everybody.
More Episodes
The Smithshow: The Alien Crash of Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Jan 10
The Smithshow: The Whiskey War
Dec 20
It's not really a war, and whiskey doesn't play as big a role as you'd think. Anyway, enjoy!
Ghost+ Pilot: AI-ai-ai It's a Ghost!
Dec 17
This is the weirdest thing we've ever done, and maybe you'll like it? Please let us know your thoughts on this pilot episode of a new experimental Ghost+ show called AI-ai-ai It's a Ghost!
Ghostie: The Cairo Public Library
Nov 30
Gosh, Illinois is awful.
The Smithshow: The Erfurt Latrine Disaster
Nov 18
The 12th century was a pretty gross time, and nowhere was that more true than in a little town called Erfurt. Specifically, in one of its latrines.
Ghost+ Bonus: A Walk through the Blackburn Inn
Nov 15
Clayton and Ryan share their takes of one of the most haunted buildings in Staunton, Virginia, and let us tell you -- it is not for the faint of heart.
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